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  1. Once you click on 'take exam', you cant go back.
  2. Exams that have a time limit will have a timer at the bottom of your screen. In case of failure to complete the test or time gets over, it will auto-submit.
  3. The report would be generated on the spot. You will be able to click on the 'Download Report' below after completing all the Tests.
Tests and time limit (You can appear each test and take breaks in between after completion of each test) :             
  • Conceptual Reasoning Test: 20 min.  (for age 12yrs and above)               
  • Logical Thinking Test: 15 min.  (for age 12yrs and above)                                 
  • Mathematical Ability Test: 30 min. (for age 12yrs and above)              
  • Mechanical Reasoning test: 25 min. (for age 12yrs and above)              
  • Speed and Accuracy Test part 1 : 3 min. (for age 12yrs and above)              
  • Speed and Accuracy Test part 2 : 3 min.  (for age 12yrs and above)              
  • Verbal ability Test: 25 min. (for age 12yrs and above)                
  • Visual Skills Test: 25 min (for age 12yrs and above)     
  • Writing Skills Test: 25 min (for age 12yrs and above)             
  • Career Interest Test: No time limit. (for all age groups)                           
  • Personality Test: No time limit. (for all age groups)  
If you are looking to start a career counselling brand, then you should go for whitelabel. The profit share is 100% as compared to 24% for Mentor. You also get other earning opportunities in whitelabel like Mentor, Certification and lead generation packages. You get a list of mentor database for counselling across India in whitelabel. Whitelabel gets a fully editable website to add/edit content and pages of their website. Whitelabels get a ready to start career counselling portal brand with blogs, forums and many other career counselling tools. Last but not least, you promote your own brand.
There are various factors like course structure, recognition, placements, facilities/infrastructure, professors, reputation, cut off, etc when it comes to best colleges or institutes. There is no particular expertise in deriving best colleges or courses.
We specialise in psychometric testing, where studying an individual, we shortlist suitable careers and shortlist a final career in the counselling session. In order to get into a particular career there are various degrees, courses, colleges, institutes where one can enroll. Usually coaching classes would be the right place to get this guidance. 
The mentor program is practically designed as per our experience over the years in career counselling. It is not a diploma or degree course in counselling, but a very short certification program designed to guide individuals in choosing the right careerpath based on our Career Assessment Test and Portal. It holds an association with Asia Pacific Career Development Association, International Association of Applied Psychology, Global Career Development Association.
There are many ways to find out the right career like suggestions from Friends, Family, Teachers, coaching institutes, jyotish, etc. Our methodology of choosing the right career is psychometric test based on cognitive science. It is one of the most proven and accepted methods across the globe. Our reliability and validity report of sample students indicates the consistency and accuracy. Although no one can be 100% sure about the right career, but this method is one of the best methodologies in career counselling.
A basic roadmap on the Expense and revenue per month  to break even...
Expense :
Office Rent : Rs.5000 per mnth (arnd 200 sq ft office)
Digital Marketing Campaigns : Rs.1400 per mnth
Misc (mobile, electricity, visiting cards, banners, etc): Rs.2600k per mnth
Whitelabel Cost : Rs.25000/12 = Rs.2083 per mnth
50 Tests Top up : Rs.17450/12 = Rs.1454 per mnth
Total expense per month : Rs.12537

Revenue :
5 Students per month : Rs.2999 career counselling package (Rs.600 paid to counsellor)
Rs.2999-Rs.600=Rs.2400 profit earned per counseling
Total net profit per month : 5 X Rs.2400 = Rs.12000

How can I convert and breakeven?
So, you need 5 students career counsellings per month to almost break even the first year.
You can get these students with the budget of Rs.1400 on digital marketing campaign per month. Constant calling and follow ups with students and parents is a must to convert. There are uploaded sample audio enquiries with students/parents as a training on the dashboard for your reference and assist you in conversions.

Please Note : The 5 students conversion is an example to show breakeven, after you run digital marketing campaigns and call/convert them. There could be more than 5 students conversions. 
Apart from counsellings from our side, since the no. of counsellings depend on the student's choice of mentor based on mentor profile and geographical location, there is no commitment on the no. of counsellings we provide. Following are few of the points you can keep frequency of counsellings stable (1) We generate student leads which you can open on your dashboard, view details (via wallet credit), Call and explain, share your refferal link and get credited 40% of the student package in your bank account. (2) Incase, a student is not interested in career assessment test and has an information based query, you can share an enquiry form with the student for an expert to call them and you will be credited for that enquiry.
The leads will be paid, but you will be given lead credits to get you started. Calling for career counselling enrolment is optional, Rs.1000 Mentor program fee is lifetime, so you can wait till you get counsellings from our side.
So, the basic 3 options to run this business are:
1) Run business as per your experience and expertise (you can generate your own leads, tie up with schools/colleges, etc, refer to the audios in training material to train yourself to learn, consult and convert students)
2) Buy the generated leads on your dashboard via wallet credit (refer to the audios in training material to train yourself to learn, consult and convert students)
3) Buy our marketing package, where we generate leads and convert end to end students for your brand.

Our focus is to give you the platform, tools, high reliability-validity tests, accurate report, technology, features, etc to keep you ahead of the competitors, making your business more appealing, gain higher traction and easy business conversions.
We would love to increase the Mentor referral and counselling fee, but it takes a good amount of expenditure to run the whole show like infrastrucure cost, marketing promotional cost, salaries, miscellenous costs, government compliance fee, development and more. Our efforts to decrease our overhead costs of business is an ongoing process to give our associates the maximum benefits. The pricing, packages and profit sharing with associates are meticulously designed, keeping in mind the competitor offerings and average consulting fee of our associates as per market standards.
Yes, if a whitelabel does not want users to subscribe/pay from Allegiance Educare payment gateway and wants to get them subscribed from whitelabel's own website payment gateway, then we can generate 100% discount coupons to bypass our payment plans.
You can set the prices according to your convenience on your website using coupons.
Eligibility for Mentor Program - min. 25yrs age, good communication and troubleshooting skills, Masters in Counselling or min graduate with course/certification in career counselling

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